20 Settembre 2015. Con il KKE. Appello dei Partiti Comunisti dal mondo (per l’Italia Il Partito Comunista).

20 Settembre 2015. Con il KKE. Appello dei Partiti Comunisti dal mondo (per l’Italia Il Partito Comunista).

Messaggio di solidarietà con il KKE per la battaglia elettorale del 20 settembre

Noi partiti comunisti e operai che firmiamo questa dichiarazione esprimiamo la nostra solidarietà con i comunisti di Grecia, di fronte alla difficile battaglia elettorale del 20 settembre.

Chiamiamo i lavoratori, i giovani, gli strati popolari della Grecia, a rafforzare il KKE anche con il loro voto. Poiché è il KKE che ha difeso combattivamente i loro diritti in tutti questi anni, contro le politiche antipopolari dei governi, dell’UE e del FMI.

L’aumento delle forze del KKE è ciò che garantisce il rafforzamento e l’efficacia delle lotte del popolo greco, per i diritti della classe operaia e degli strati popolari, per il rovesciamento della barbarie capitalista, per il potere operaio e popolare.

  1. CP of Albania
  2. PADS, Algeria
  3. CP of Australia
  4. Party of Labour of Austria
  5. CP of Azerbaijan
  6. WP of Bangladesh
  7. Communist Party of the Workers of Belarus
  8. Brazilian CP
  9. CP of Brazil
  10. CP of Britain
  11. NCP of Britain
  12. CP of Bulgaria
  13. Union of Communists in Bulgaria
  14. Party of the Bulgarian Communists
  15. CP of Canada
  16. Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia
  17. CP of Bohemia and Moravia, Czech Republic
  18. CP in Denmark
  19. Danish CP
  20. Pole of Communist Revival in France
  21. Union of Revolutionary Communists of France
  22. CP of Macedonia (FYROM)
  23. UCP of Georgia
  24. German CP (DKP)
  25. Hungarian WP
  26. CP of India
  27. CP of Ireland
  28. WP of Ireland
  29. Tudeh Party, Iran
  30. CP, Italy
  31. Socialist Movement Kazakhstan
  32. Lebanese CP
  33. CP of Luxembourg
  34. CP of Malta
  35. CP of Mexico
  36. Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
  37. Popular Socialist Party – National Political Association , Mexico
  38. Movement “ Popular Resistance” , Moldova
  39. NCP of the Netherlands
  40. CP of Norway
  41. CP of Pakistan
  42. Palestinian CP
  43. Palestinian People’s Party
  44. Peruan CP
  45. Philippines CP (PKP-1930)
  46. CP of Poland
  47. CP of Puerto Rico
  48. Russian Communist Workers’ Party
  49. CP of the Russian Federation
  50. CP of the Soviet Union
  51. NCP of Yugoslavia
  52. Party of Communists of Serbia
  53. CP of Slovakia
  54. CP of the Peoples of Spain
  55. CP of Sri Lanka
  56. CP of Sweden
  57. Syrian CP
  58. CP of Tadjikistan
  59. CP, Turkey
  60. CP of Ukraine
  61. Union of Communists of Ukraine
  62. Party of the Communists, USA
  63. Network of Communist Clubs, USA
  64. CP of Venezuela


The statement is still open for signatures


Solidarity Message from Portuguese CP



  1. Message of solidarity with the KKE for the electoral battle on the 20th of September

We, the communist and workers parties that sign this statement express our solidarity with the communists of Greece in the face of the difficult electoral battle on the 20th of September.


We call on the workers, the youth, the popular strata of Greece to strengthen the KKE at the ballot box as well. As it is the KKE that militantly defends their rights all these years, against the anti-people policies of the governments, the EU and IMF.


The increase of the KKE’s forces is what guarantees the strengthening and effectiveness of the struggles of the Greek people for the rights of the working class and the popular strata, for the overthrow of capitalist barbarity, for workers’-people’s power.





  1. http://inter.kke.gr/en/articles/Message-of-solidarity-with-the-KKE-for-the-electoral-battle-on-the-20th-of-September/

Condividi !
